I have a requirement to be able to dynamically generate a large amount of Key / Value pairs where the key is dynamically named off of certain ID's that are returned from the database and the value is randomly returned. I'm able to generate the key / values from a database query but I cannot figure out how I can convert the result set into a name value pair. I've tried using the closure based method that calls map.each featured in the groovy code snippets with a result set that is returned in a map format IE: (sql.rows(query) results << to.(sqlRowResult)) but this throws errors that the values are inapplicable to the map.each functionality. Any advice? Thanks, Chris F. |
def sqlNvs(def sql) {
def tmp = [] sql.eachRow('Select * from Person') { tmp << it.toRowResult() } def nvs = [] tmp.each { key, value -> nvs.add(new NVPair(key, value)) } return nvs as NVPair[] } does not this help you?? I didn't test it. |
Nope, still throwing the same error exception:
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: testCase.att.attWizard$_buildMapHeader_closure2.doCall() is applicable for argument types: (groovy.sql.GroovyRowResult) values: [[key:dbID, value:590]] Possible solutions: doCall(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object), findAll(), findAll(), isCase(java.lang.Object), isCase(java.lang.Object) |
In reply to this post by Chris F.
def sqltoNvs(def sql){
def nvs = [] def rows = sql.rows("select * from nuser") def keys = rows[0].keySet() rows.each({ def eachRow = it keys.each({ nvs.add(new NVPair(it, eachRow[it].toString())) }) }) return nvs } It's the working version. |
Thank you that worked to get the data into the NVPair, albeit not quite in the format I was looking for. I got it to work by tweaking the T-SQL a bit to return the results. In a format that was useful.
The code you gave me used the column names as the Name, and the results as the values. The query I wrote was returning a set of data with the columns being the KEY & Value. So each tupal was actually the name value pair I needed, in this case there were around 50 name value pairs generated. Since this was all going into the NVPair by column I used a pivot to change the result set so that each row became a column in the returned data set. While it would be more useful to not have to do it that way, I couldn't figure out how to get it to return the data in the way I needed so in case anyone else runs into this problem here is the t-sql I used to formulate the data so it will work with the code you supplied. First to note you'll need to create a temporary table that has two columns, key & value and populate it with your data. DECLARE @cols NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @query NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME([key]) FROM tempdb.dbo.KeyValue FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,1,'') SELECT @query = N'SELECT ' + @cols + N' FROM ( SELECT [key], value FROM tempdb.dbo.keyValue ) d PIVOT ( MAX(value) FOR [key] IN (' + @cols + N') ) piv;' EXEC sp_executesql @query |
I think it can not make any experiment for this because I don't have any experience in the field of TSQL at all. I also didn't try any SQLs code in groovy neither.
http://groovy.codehaus.org/Tutorial+6+-+Groovy+SQL I've spent time to investigate this for a while. I'm not sure but the basic ideas you should consider might be.. when eachRows are executed... the local variable "it" contains.. multiple columns in a row. It seems that you can access each column by referencing it.column_name. E.X) it.helloworld (if the name of column you want retrieve is "helloworld") By mixing this with the code I already showed, I believe you can do what you want. |
So I recently re-visited this issue and got it working the correct way. Just figured I'd share the method in case anyone else ever has a similiar problem.
private buildMapHeaderTest() { def nvs = [] sql.eachRow("SELECT keyName, keyValue FROM dbo.KeyStore") {row -> nvs.add(new NVPair(row.keyName.toString(), row.keyValue.toString())) } return nvs as NVPair[] } |
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