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Thisisneverthat 品牌

品牌創立於2010年,是近些年來最有影響力的韓國街頭服飾品牌之一,其中的創立團隊除了一直露面接受採訪的總監Choi Jong-Kyu外,還有另外兩位主腦Nadan Jo及Inwook Park。Thisisneverthat翻譯成中文的意思是「從來都不是那樣」,表明thisisneverthat品牌從來不是那樣,不按常規套路出牌,一直站在流行的前沿上設計出的服裝款式也是非常的前衛!
Thisisneverthat 品牌
大多數的設計靈感都來源於日常生活和周圍朋友,類型以搖滾和滑板文化為主色彩、款式選取以及剪裁均貼合都市青年格調,在韓國非常受歡迎的一個品牌,如韓國男團BTS 的成員朴敘俊等人都上身thisisneverthat 品牌的服飾。thisisneverthat品牌的服裝以炫酷風格著稱!不羈的風格款式和黑暗色調的設計,展現穿著者的個人獨特魅力。除了衣服還有包、帽、配飾等一系列的產品,為更多的潮流達人們提供了更多的潮流單品。


Thisisneverthat 品牌


Thisisneverthat 品牌


Thisisneverthat 品牌


Thisisneverthat 品牌


Thisisneverthat品牌以其獨特的設計風格、創新的圖案和印花、對品質和細節的追求,以及時尚的社會意義而受到全球消費者的青睞。這個品牌代表著品味與獨特風格的代名詞,為時尚界注入了新鮮的活力和創新的思維。穿上thisisneverthat的產品,展現出獨特的個性和時尚態度,成為時尚界的焦點。更多Thisisneverthat 官網相關資訊及優惠活動,敬請關注~
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Re: 探索thisisneverthat品牌的時尚魅力

Trademark protection in China
The Chinese market is huge and developing so that there are many advantages for registration of your trademark in the registries of the Trademark Office of The State Administration For Industry & Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (SAIC).

Since the TRIPs agreement entered into force, the legislation on registration and protection of trademarks in China has become more and more similar to the European one. Nonetheless, the process has been gradual and not completed because the TRIPs agreement provided only ground rules that could be implemented by the States, parting the agreement according to their legislative situation in the long term. Companies that do not promptly register their trademark in China may deal with many issues when trying to fight the counterfeiting of their products in order to gain trademark protection in China.

If you fail to register in time, there is a big risk that even before starting your expansion across the Chinese market, your trademark could have been already 'copied' and registered in China by a local company.

In fact, unlike Courts in Europe and United States, Chinese Courts can completely refuse the worldwide common practice of granting protection to non-registered trademarks of well-known companies. For example, in 1996 a Chinese clothing company registered a graphic of a horse identical to the Ferrari's one. The Chinese Trademark Office rejected Ferrari’s opposition to the registration, arguing that the Chinese company applied for the registration of the graphic first (first-to-file principle). Ferrari appealed the decision objecting that the symbol was recognizable all over the world, including China, as the symbol representing Ferrari brand. After 11 years of proceedings, in 2007, the Beijing First Intermediate Court decided that the Ferrari's horse graphic was not a famous trademark among Chinese consumers and it was not worthy of legal protection, although the name 'Ferrari' was.

In nearest future the situation might change due to the development of Chinese technology and commerce, which makes Chinese companies interested in trademark protection as well as the European and American ones, therefore the competition might become even tougher.

Taking into consideration the fact that the mere usage of the trademark without registration is legally irrelevant, you should act ahead of starting your commercial activities. This is also important because of the fact that the effects of legal protection in China enter into force from the moment of registration instead of the moment of application and that the ordinary time to obtain a registration is about 2-4 years.