Hi all,
As follows is specific measures that created maven repo for nGrinder 3.0 Core.
Some times we want other developers can utilize ngrinder-core and ngrinder-dns which manner just look like they are importing repository from Maven.so we shall implement this through put this two modules into github.
1.To create repository
"nhnopensource.maven.repo" in github and this is where we're going to deploy (and then host) ngrinder-core and ngrinder-dns .
2.Configured the
altDeploymentRepository property directly in the ngrinder 's POM :
<altDeploymentRepository>ngrinder::default::file:../nhnopensource.maven.repo/snapshots</altDeploymentRepository>file:../nhnopensource.maven.repo/snapshots is the actual repository URL
Please clone both repositorys ngrinder and nhnopensource.maven.repo must be at the same folderFor do this handily ,I add script to deploy it automatically
you don't clone "nhnopensource.maven.repo" from github and just run this script and input your github information .
now we’re ready to use our new repo
Configured repository we will be used.
and then
just add dependencies