Well.. general http is connection less, so responseTime can be just same as mean_time_to_first_byte.
I think the connection time should be included in the total response time.
And.. Please use nGrinder 3.1. it has the feature you want. Check out our demo instance.
You can use login it with user (id)/ user (pw)
-----Original Message-----
From: "viji1188 [via ngrinder]"<[hidden email]>
To: "junoyoon"<[hidden email]>;
Sent: 2013-01-21 (월) 23:46:02
Subject: Re: Timers in nGrinder
I use Jython-2.2.1 in nGrinder version 3.0 and JDK version 1.7.0_10.
I ran a performance test for the post method and I need elapsed time (as mentioned above) for the post method to be displayed in the detailed report.
Is the following formula correct to calculate server response time for a test:
responseTime = (Mean_time_to_first_byte-0) - (Mean_time_to_establish_connection-0)
Or is there any other way to display the server response time for each iteration and the average server response time in the detailed report?