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nGrinder doesn't allow to use java properties provided by ngrinder starter shell script.
Because the agent is going to be shared by multiple user and one user's need might not fit for the others needs.
Instead, you can override this in the script.
If you like to provide following options
-DSonicMQ.LOGIN_SPI=com.sonicsw.pso.pass.client.loginspi.Login -Dlog4j.debug -Dlog4j.config=log4j.xml net.grinder.Grinder %*
Please locate followings at the head of script.
from java.lang import System
System.setProperty("SonicMQ.LOGIN_SPI", "com.sonicsw.pso.pass.client.loginspi.Login")
System.setProperty("log4j.debug", "")
System.setProperty("log4j.config", "log4j.xml")