Recording asynchronous web socket request/response times

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Recording asynchronous web socket request/response times

Hi all,

I need to record the time between requests and responses for a web socker
server I have and can't really figure out how to achieve this. I have a
small java client that does the sending and receiving of web socket
messages, so i can record the response time for individual messages as the
sub protocol has message ids embedded in the message body.

Consider the following sequence (click link):
Async web socket sequence diagram

Is there any way I can do something similar to this, I.e measure the latency
I get myself (in script or in Java helper) and report this explicitly to grinder ?

I have had a look at the example but that isn't exactly what I want as this example is blocking.

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Re: Recording asynchronous web socket request/response times


Please refer above

2015. 5. 26. 오후 5:32에 "nmodin [via ngrinder]" <[hidden email]>님이 작성:
Hi all,

I need to record the time between requests and responses for a web socker
server I have and can't really figure out how to achieve this. I have a
small java client that does the sending and receiving of web socket
messages, so i can record the response time for individual messages as the
sub protocol has message ids embedded in the message body.

Consider the following sequence (click link):
Async web socket sequence diagram

Is there any way I can do something similar to this, I.e measure the latency
I get myself (in script or in Java helper) and report this explicitly to grinder ?

I have had a look at the example but that isn't exactly what I want as this example is blocking.


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